What is a twitter chat?
- Scripted interview question and answer (Q&A) format on a specific topic
- Use hashtag (#) so people can find a conversation on a specific topic or your chat
- Example of twitter chat format – a question is raised by the host and then answers/responses from participants are posted:
Why have a Twitter chat?
- Create awareness
- Show leadership
- Engage with your audience
- Increase followers and traffic to your webpage
- Identify and make connections with others organizations with similar interest/mission
Who participates?
- Host- moderator
- The moderator creates a script for the hour long Twitter chat and will post the questions during a pre-set time.
- Participants (co-host)
- All partner organizations will engage with the host for an interactive dialogue during the Twitter chat.
- Audience
- People we are reaching with our messages
How is it done?
- Create answers ahead of time to questions that will be posted during the Twitter chat. For example, if there are 12 questions developed for the Twitter chat, then develop at least 12 answers or responses ahead of time.
- Use at least one hashtag in each tweet
- Include answer numbers in the beginning of each tweet (A1, A2, A3, etc.)
- Check to make sure each tweet is less than 280 characters (including links and hashtag) ahead of time
- If sharing images, pictures, infographic, etc. with the tweet, make sure they are already in a folder for fast posting access or in your schedule/queued tweet